
Hi, I'm Abhijeeth. I'm a student at the International Institute of Information Technology - Hyderabad. I'm currently studying Computer Science and expect to graduate in 2023.


Ever wanted to know what QuickSort is? Or even just wondered how the person who made could be so confident in is algorithm that he called it “quick”? Well let’s...

Digital Evidence Forensics

So you’re Felicity Smoak and Oliver hands you his bullet-ridden laptop. You now start salvaging everything you can from it… except you don’t know how. This article is all that...


Invented by John von Neumann in 1945, MergeSort was one of the most innovative and efficient sorting algorithms of it’s time and is a classic example of divide and conquer...

Divide and Conquer Algorithms

What is “Divide and Conquer”?


Hi, I'm Aadarsh. I'm a student at the International Institute of Information Technology - Hyderabad. I'm currently studying Computational Natural Science and expect to graduate in 2024.

Working of a Chess Engine II

Perfect game In principle, it is possible to construct a machine to play a perfect game i.e. a machine which would never lose or draw a won position and never...

Working of a Chess Engine I

The story of chess engines begins in the year 1770, when the inventor Wolfgang von Kempelen revealed “The Turk”, a chess playing machine, to Empress Maria Theresa of Austria ,attempting...

Quantum Cryptographic Protocols

To understand the need for quantum cryptographic protocols ,we first need to look at the current state of classical ones. Current classical encryption schemes like RSA work on the basic...

Algorithms in Chess Engines

In the previous article we explored some basic evaluation functions and gave an algorithm which makes n-move deep analysis for any position. Now we look at more advanced algorithms to...


Hi! I'm Sarthak - a CS undergrad at IIIT-H and CSGO fanatic.

The RSA public-key cryptosystem

RSA is one of the most famous and most used cryptographic algorithms. Let us take a peek behind the curtains of this beautiful mystery.

Public Key Cryptography

Public key cryptography is the most significant development in modern cryptography since it allows for secure communication even over insecure lines.

Secret Key Cryptography

Secret (or Symmetric) Key Cryptography methods employ a single key for both encryption and decryption and was the only method used before 1976!

Cryptographic Algorithms

We talked about cryptography and what it means in our first article, Introduction to cryptography. Now we talk about it in more depth, with a focus on its implementation. Some...

Introduction to Cryptography

Cryptography is the science of data security and privacy in the context of communication. It may seem like a loaded definition, so let us understand what it means. Often, we...


Hi, I'm Tushar. I study CSE at International Institute of Information Technology - Hyderabad

Classification, A Class Above

A basic insight into some classification algorithms

From Plaintext To Hash

A look into the workings of hash functions, particularly SHA-1

Introduction To Machine Learning

A basic insight into Machine Learning

From Dictation To Automation

The problems that Machine Learning algorithms can be used to solve

Cryptographic Algorithms

We talked about cryptography and what it means in our first article, Introduction to cryptography. Now we talk about it in more depth, with a focus on its implementation. Some...

Introduction to Cryptography

Cryptography is the science of data security and privacy in the context of communication. It may seem like a loaded definition, so let us understand what it means. Often, we...


Hey!!! I'm Ainesh. I am currently a sophomore CSE undergrad at the International Institute of Information Technology - Hyderabad

Dating Apps : Algorithms and ML

The working and algorithms behind how dating apps work

Spending Summer in Singapore On Your Algorithm's Money

What algorithmic trading is and how it is replacing human traders. Explains the basics of trading and the financial market as well.

Social Effects of GANs (3/3)

As you must have seen in the previous two articles of the series: Introduction and Applications, GANs can produce “realistic” data, but mind you, it is still “realistic” and not...

Introduction to GANs (1/3)

In this series of articles, we will be exploring the world of GANs, starting with an introduction to and the basic working of GANs. After this we will see various...

Applications and Examples of GANs (2/3)

In the previous article of this series, we dived into the field of what GANs are and gained a basic understanding of how GANs work. A quick recap. Generative Adversarial...

Quantum Computing Breaking Encryption (or not)

Exploring quantum computing, how it could possibly break our current standards of encryption and what that means for the security of our online data.

The Advent of ML and AI in Gaming

How machine learning and artificial intelligence are being used to revolutionize the field of gaming and what's in store for the future of gaming.


Hi, I'm Rishabh. I am currently a sophomore Computational Natural Sciences undergrad at the International Institute of Information Technology - Hyderabad

Dating Apps : Algorithms and ML

The working and algorithms behind how dating apps work

Random Forest

        Random forest is a method for classification, regression and other tasks. It works by constructing a multitude of decision trees at the training stage. In classification,...

ML and Big Data in Physics

        We will be discussing some of the easiest machine learning tools and Pipelines used in high energy physics.

Gradient Descent

        Gradient Descent is a simple yet efficient approach to fitting linear classifiers and regressors. Even though it has been around for a long time, it has...

Decision Trees

        Decision Tree is a tree-like decision tool to map out decisions and possible consequences. It has influenced a large option of machine learning, covering classification and...

The Advent of ML and AI in Gaming

How machine learning and artificial intelligence are being used to revolutionize the field of gaming and what's in store for the future of gaming.


Hi, I'm Saru. I study CSE at IIIT Hyderabad

Introduction to NEAT

Neat or Neuro-Evolution of Augmenting Topologies

An overview of pathfinding algorithms

Terminology used: • Vertex: A ‘node’ of a graph

Operations on a collection of locations

This article is loosely based on the previous one.


IIIT Hyderabad student for 2023 CSE graduation.

Working of a Chess Engine II

Perfect game In principle, it is possible to construct a machine to play a perfect game i.e. a machine which would never lose or draw a won position and never...

Working of a Chess Engine I

The story of chess engines begins in the year 1770, when the inventor Wolfgang von Kempelen revealed “The Turk”, a chess playing machine, to Empress Maria Theresa of Austria ,attempting...

Algorithms in Chess Engines

In the previous article we explored some basic evaluation functions and gave an algorithm which makes n-move deep analysis for any position. Now we look at more advanced algorithms to...

Kshitijaa Jaglan

Heyyooo!! I am a CHD sophomore at IIIT-H interested in anything cool ranging from GANs and robotics to cybersecurity and creating random snowflakes

Social Effects of GANs (3/3)

As you must have seen in the previous two articles of the series: Introduction and Applications, GANs can produce “realistic” data, but mind you, it is still “realistic” and not...

Introduction to GANs (1/3)

In this series of articles, we will be exploring the world of GANs, starting with an introduction to and the basic working of GANs. After this we will see various...

Applications and Examples of GANs (2/3)

In the previous article of this series, we dived into the field of what GANs are and gained a basic understanding of how GANs work. A quick recap. Generative Adversarial...


Hi, I'm Pahulpreet. I'm a student at the International Institute of Information Technology - Hyderabad. I'm currently studying Computational Natural Science and expect to graduate in 2024.

Search Engine Rankings

An insight into how major Search Engines work, along with an understanding of some basic Ranking algorithms.

Introduction To Machine Learning

A basic insight into Machine Learning

From Dictation To Automation

The problems that Machine Learning algorithms can be used to solve