
Kshitijaa Jaglan

Data, Networks, Open Source

I am Kshitijaa Jaglan - a PhD student at Social Computing Group, University of Zürich. My interests lie in Networks (graphs), AI+ML, and using tech-y stuff for social good. Oh and yes definitely [TW?] cats too.

Given enough food and time, I also enjoy making seemingly random tools out of boredom/utility. Check out this if you want to learn Hiragana, or this if you want a WhatsApp desktop app for Linux.

News 🔗

January 2025Our paper titled "Adjacency Search Embeddings" is accepted at TMLR
October 2024I'll be attending ACM Europe School on Recommender systems at Bari, Italy from October 8th to 13th. Feel free to hmu for a chat!
July 2024Joined Social Computing Group @ Uni of Zurich as a PhD student!
June 2024Successfully defended my MS thesis titled "Sampling Cohesive Communities in Unbounded Networks"
April 2024Our paper titled "Tight Sampling in Unbounded Networks" is accepted at ICWSM'24
July 2023I'll be spending Fall semester as a mobility project student at SNLab@ETH Zürich, working under the guidance of Prof. Ulrik Brandes
Fun fact:I also discovered a bug leaking data of 100,000+ students (reported and mitigated). The data included personal information like address, phone number, email, parent's name etc. As you might've gotten a hint already, one of my other domains of interest is privacy (and fairness!).

Feel free to reach out at kjaglan[at ]ifi[d0t]uzh{dot}ch if you would want to have a chat about anything!